Oh, It's amazing!!!! \nEach time I go to the toilet my sex changes naturally.\n\n[[Happy New Year!]]
Today I feel good!\n\nI'm not drunk. \nI just feel really heavy but totally aware of the full universe.\n\nWhat else could I [[wish]]?
In Europe is common to drink a lot of this liquid before being able to feel happy and comfortable with another human being.\n\n[[Start]]
My partner doesn't stop talking.\n\nI grab the first object within reach (a fork),\nstabbing my partner with it to death.\n\nThe new vintage wallpaper is full of blood spots...\nNice homemade decoration!\n\n\n\n[[Happy New Year!]]
My wish is\n\n[[to become an astronaut]]\n\n[[to be bloody rich]]\n\n[[to change my sex]]\n\n[[to kill my partner]]\n\n[[to reach eternity]]\n\n\n
Bip Bip \n\nOh, I can't believe it!\n\nI'm so lucky, the Nasa just called me, asking me to join their team!\n\nI will go to the Moon before the end of 2014!\n\n[[Happy New Year!]]
Sacred substances
Sus scrofa domesticus : dirty animal living in the mud.\n\n[[Start]]
Kind of alcoholic beverage that rich people drink before being able to feel happy and confortable with another human being.\n\n[[Happy New Year!]]
\nEvery year I feel like a pig, \na drunken [[pig]]. \n\nLooking at the clock, waiting for the good moment to smile...\nPraying for next year to be different.\n\nToo much food and [[alcohol]].\n\n23:59.\n\nI got a [[wish]].
Amazing!\n\nI've just found a ticket from the National Spanish Lottery in my unisex trousers! \n\nI've won "EL GORDO DE NAVIDAD" (the Fat Christmas Man)\n\n10 million dollars!\n\n\n[[Happy New Year!]]
\nToday I feel good!\nI'm drunk like a [[pig]]. \n\nVery good food and [[cocktails]].\n\nLooking at the clock, waiting for the good moment to smile...\n\nYou never eat enough.\n\nWhat else could I [[wish]]?
DEBOCK inc.\n@arnaud_debock\n@Raquelmoreno21
I wake up and feel so heavy, impossible to get out of my bed.\n\nI feel eternal and suddenly I realise I've become a stone...\nA nice little rounded one.\n\n[[Happy New Year!!!]]
--let the player undo moves? (on / off)\n--in sugarcane, this enables the browser's back button.\n--in jonah, this lets the player click links in previous\n--passages.\n\nundo: on\n\n--let the player use bookmarks? (on / off)\n--this enables the bookmark links in jonah and sugarcane\n--(if the player can't undo, bookmarks are always disabled.)\nbookmark: on\n\n--obfuscate the story's html source to prevent possible\n--spoilers? (swap / off)\n\nobfuscate: off\n\n--string of letter pairs to use for swap-style obfuscation\n\nobfuscatekey: bfzxvtdaupqkhcngyisjmowrle\n\n--include the jquery script library? (on / off)\n\njquery: off\n\n--include the modernizr script library? (on / off)\n\nmodernizr: off\n